Fraudulent E-mail

In this issue of Data2Know, our main article is entitled, “Winning at the Shell Game.” This issue focuses on fraudulent e-mails, or “phish.” Here, we discuss how to detect a phish and how to protect yourself from falling victim to these fraudulent people or groups. Our article dives deep into inspecting these e-mails from reading the header and dealing with the content to getting boots on the ground and “looking under the shell.” Read how you, the investigator, can learn to research hand-pick these phish to help protect the companies who hire you.

ALSO: Get informed with our “Industry Undercover” section—learn where to link to hundreds of legal databases from dozens of countries; uncover a source that houses proprietary documents of companies, manuals, and even legal filings; read about a database that covers all scientific journals; find out where to go to find and hide IP addresses; read a then-and-now article focused on search engines; and find the source for researching companies in Mexico.

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