HG.org Legal Resources is a legal information site that provides a directory of law firms, expert witnesses and process servers, covering hundreds of practice areas across the globe. Founded in 1995 with the mission to make legal information easily accessible to everyone, they remain one of the largest non-subscription based legal information sites.

HG.org’s Lawyers’ Global Directory covers most countries. Searches can be performed by geographical area, practice area or both. According to their web site, they are one of the oldest self-listing directories online where the lawyers themselves can provide information regarding their firm and services. Since HG.org has collected this data for over twenty years, this is also a great resource for historical legal information.

The Expert Witness Directory, with its specialized knowledge listings, can assist in legal disputes. The directory covers hundreds of subject areas including medical conditions, legal networks, law school information, employment listings, and links to government agencies. For example, the medical expert witness directory for an expert Medical witness presents an alphabetical subject listing ranging Abdominal Surgery to Wound Care.

Entering information to search for a medical expert in the subject of Addiction returned data for at least 20 experts, including the name of the company; expert witnesses’ education, professional specializations, and publications; the states in which they operate; and contact information.

Need a process server in the State of New Jersey? By entering your key words, data on at least 20 process servers is returned, including the name of the company, its physical location, and web address. Using its employment directory, the site also provides free searches for partner, attorney, legal secretary, clerk, and other paralegal positions.

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