Open Source intelligence (OSINT) is overt, or open data, intelligence gathering. Oftentimes considered to be found online, accessible via the internet or databases, open source intelligence can also be located through the common areas like libraries, refuse (trash) left on the curb, conversations spoken too loudly in public, happenings and occurrences witnessed and remembered. OSINT is publicly available and unprotected information.

Hg’s expert trainers provide OSINT training and the tools needed to in-take cases, conduct investigations, and document findings ethically.

Day 1 

Part 1: Introduction to Online Investigative Fundamentals & Open Source Primer, 50 minutes

Learn the types, differences, and jargon of open source investigations. Receive a companion guide to public record searching for social media verification purposes.

Part 2: Investigative Fundamentals, 50 minutes

Learn how to in-take an online case, understand the parameters of the work, establish goals, and create investigative notes C.Y.A. (Cover Your Analysts!). Understand how to identify expectations and establish parameters for all involved (client, sub-contractor, and your own) at the beginning of your investigation to keep the entire case in check. Samples and layouts will be provided.

Day 2

Part 1: Computer Fundamentals, 50 minutes

Learn best practices on using a computer and what resources are available on the internet and social media platforms, so you can more effectively achieve desired results. You will receive expert instruction on common errors made in OSINT investigations such as clearing your cache, exposing your protocol address, and other influencers that mislead your searches.

Part 2: Search Engine Fundamentals, 50 minutes

Learn which search engine to use, when to use it, and what results you should expect from each. Understand how to improve search engine results and when to use the surface, deep, or dark web to locate your information.

Day 3

Part 1: Making the Capture, 50 minutes

Learn tools to help capture and store your findings online. Understand documentation procedures for creating sharp and understandable reports. Several tools—free and fee-based—as well as sample reports will be reviewed and shared.

Part 2: Bringing it all Together Ethically, 50 minutes

Learn the fundamentals of ethically conducting online investigations, with a candid discussion about how to avoid dangerous pitfalls. Examples of investigations gone wrong will be discussed. Q&A will be encouraged.

Upon completion of the course, field investigators will be able to

  • Identify the types, differences, and jargon of Open Source investigations.
  • Conduct in-takes for online cases.
  • Understand the parameters of the work, establish goals, and create investigative notes C.Y.A. (Cover Your Analysts!).
  • Recognize best practices on how to use a computer and the resources available on the internet and social media platforms.
  • Understand when to use the surface, deep, dark webs to locate your information.
  • Understand documentation procedures for creating sharp and understandable reports.
  • Identify the fundamentals of conducting online investigations ethically.

All participants receive handouts on concepts and investigative techniques.

About Hg’s Webinars

These webinars were recorded in 2023 or earlier. Hg makes these webinars available for purchase after the live event; however, they are not approved for CPE credits with some associations(specifically NASBA).