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Paraben will be hosting their annual Paraben Forensic Innovation Conference (PFIC) from August 1 – 4, 2023 both in-person at the Nashville Marriott Vanderbilt, located in Nashville, Tennessee and virtually.

Hg’s Senior Analyst Matthew Golabek will be conducting a virtual session on Social Media and Online Investigations: Identifying Unknown Individuals on Thursday, August 3rd.

Your team, your tools, or your client may need to locate a social media user of interest or concern. Your analysis of the profile may become challenging if the user does not reveal their real identity. The presenter will discuss how to harness the internet to identify the person or group behind an unknown username or alias. The presentation will include real case examples to demonstrate successful workflows.

Learning Objectives

• Outline useful steps for identifying who is behind an alias or username
• Explore case examples to retain those steps
• Introduce future challenges

Learn more and register here.