Hg recently announced the promotion and hiring of three distinguished women to top leadership positions in the New Jersey-based firm: Rachel Kronenfeld, Director of Services; Christina McEvoy, Manager of Investigations; and Megan Munoz, MS, Director of Education and Knowledge Management. With this announcement, Hg has joined hundreds of corporations and organizations in taking the ParityPLEDGE®, a public commitment to interview at least one qualified woman for every open VP, C-Suite, and Board position.

We are excited to share a new 3-part blog series, which introduces our readers to each of these women. Today, we talk with Rachel Kronenfeld, Director of Services.

Ms. Kronenfeld joined Hetherington Group in 2016 as a lead investigator. She was promoted in 2022 from Manager of Investigations to Director of Services and is responsible for management and development of all investigative work. Ms. Kronenfeld leads Hg in business development, client and vendor relations, and serves on Hg’s executive team to identify and implement business goals and strategies. Ms. Kronenfeld conducts trainings to investigators, security professionals, attorneys, accountants, auditors, military intelligence professionals, and federal, state, and local agencies on best practices in conducting Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) investigations and corresponding techniques. Ms. Kronenfeld is a contributor to Hg’s FactSheets and blogs and presents at national conferences.

In your words, what is your role at Hg?

“At Hg, I am primarily responsible our clients, our products, and business development. This means that I work with our clients to help them solve problems, ensure our products and sources set the industry standard and stay relevant, and strategize on ways to grow our company.”

What goals/contributions/projects are you excited for as it relates to your position in 2023?

“Looking forward, I’m most excited to be working with a talented and motivating team. As 2022 was a year of heavy team growth and development, I hope to enjoy the successes of that in 2023.”

What is your favorite part about your role/ working at Hg?

“The ability to provide guidance yet also learn from leadership across a wide range of industries.”

How has your past experience allowed you to succeed in your role at Hg? What makes you an expert?

“My background as an analyst transferred over well to my current role at Hg because understanding the methodology, sources, and tools behind the work the analysts do allows me to think critically about the right solutions for our clients and be able to accurately answer questions”. 

In your shoes, what do you see as the biggest challenge in 2023 for your position and how do you plan on overcoming that?

“There are a lot of opportunities on the horizon and it is a challenge to pursue them all at the same time. My focus will be on opportunities that are in line with the company goals and vision, and make sure to communicate with my team to ensure we are all heading in the same direction.”


With over twenty-five years of global experience in open source investigations and one of the first firms to conduct online social media investigations, Hetherington Group develops advanced techniques specific to our clients’ needs. As a leader in open source intelligence gathering, Hg offers expert investigative consultation, intelligence analysis, and accredited training to industry professionals across the country. Visit our Services page to learn more.